Policy for Quality and Innovation

Through the Implementation of a Quality and Innovation Management System meeting the requirements of the NP EN ISO 9001: 2015 and NP 4457: 2021 standards, the intention of our Organization’s Management is expressed that Quality and Innovation be the driving force of the company’s culture, which translates into a constant search towards the satisfaction of our customers, anticipating their needs and exceeding their expectations, in a continuous stance of innovation.

This is the context on which we base our Quality and Innovation Policy, which is reflected in the following principles:

  • Permanent attitude of openness to innovation, throughout the value chain;
  • Stimulate and support the generation of new ideas and ensure their adequate and sustained development, with a view to reinforcing competitive advantages and positioning in the market by launching new solutions or by incorporating new innovative elements that lead to significant improvements in existing solutions;
  • Enhance internal creativity in a framework of active interaction with the environment supported by an appropriate management and acknowledgement of knowledge;
  • Ensuring an effective response to the evolution of key market variables and available technology;
  • Efficient management of the organization’s human and material resources, with a view to minimizing waste and maximizing competitiveness;
  • Continuous improvement and professional recycling of employees, through training;
  • Having a partnership relationship with suppliers and customers, aiming to optimize resources and obtain solutions that are intensive in knowledge and innovation;
  • Provision of adequate means for the execution of functions, in order to ensure compliance with customer requirements and applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

In this way, we allow a dynamic Quality and Innovation Management System that aims to continuously improve the processes of our activity.


The management